Item | Price | Location |
Balm | 1000 | Barselona, Bordeaux, Santo Domingo |
Cat | 2500 | Mecca, Nagasaki, Zeiton |
Lime Juice | 2500 | Algiers, Athens, Syracuse, Valencia |
Quadrant | 4000 | Genoa, Instanbul, Lisbon |
Pocket Watch | 2000 | Amsterdam (*) |
Rat Poison | 1000 | Alexandria, Antwerp, Naples |
Sextant | 10000 | Alexandria, Venice |
Tax-Free Permit (ENG) | 10000 | Danzig (*) |
Tax-Free Permit (HOL) | 10000 | Antwerp (*) |
Tax-Free Permit (ITA) | 10000 | Syracuse (*) |
Tax-Free Permit (POR) | 10000 | Salonika (*) |
Tax-Free Permit (SPA) | 10000 | Azov (*) |
Tax-Free Permit (TUR) | 10000 | Tripoli (*) |
Telescope | 5000 | Instanbul, Lisbon, London, Seville |
Theodolite | 15000 | Amsterdam, Athens, Mecca |
Note: As you can see, some locations are marked with an asterisk (*). It means, that at that town you will not be able to purchase the corresponding item in an ordinary way - these items simply do not exist in the item shop! On the contrary, you will need to wake up around 2:00 AM (internal game clock, not the real one! ;-), and visit the item shop. You may think it should be closed at this time. Yes, it is, but to some extent. Most of towns have the standard item shops, which are sold during daytime. However, there are owners, who are willing to sell quite specific, and highly valuable items at the middle of the night. To be more precise, it it the time period between 2:00 and 3:00 AM. If you ever come close to the shop at this time, you'll notice, that the light is still turned on. So, recall you're a brave adventurer, and step in into the building. What?! Relax - there will be no fighting or duels, unless you have some nasty enemies in the town. You can even visit such a "black market" in the enemy towns, where normally it's not allowed to enter any of the buildings (except harbour). But keep in mind, that those luxury things are usually very expensive.
(19162 total views) |
Copyright © 1998 Leonid Malikov. |